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Using Giant Inflatable Animals for Marketing
 Business owners have a difficult time marketing and know how hard it is to attract walk-by customers. Simple marketing techniques of catching a customer's attention can be the difference between a new customer, or just another on-looker. However, some savvy business owners use clever techniques to catch a potential customer's eye. Cell-phone companies, liquor stores, and car dealerships have been using these techniques for a very long time. Car shows hire models to stand by luxury automobiles to attract the eye of the customer. The customer first sees the model and then starts to glance at the car. Using giant inflatable toys and placing them in front of a storefront is basically the same method as hiring a car model to stand in front of a car.
The secret behind a businesses' success is not how great the product is, but how easy the product is seen by customers. Some ways that businesses market to attract new customers is through radio, TV, Internet, social media, newspaper, and viral videos. However, low advertisement budgets require business owners to creatively attract customers. Depending on your type of business, an inflatable animal can really increase your customer foot traffic.
Giant inflatable animals have been used as marketing techniques in many different business venues. Giant floating elephants above a car dealership, or a giant inflatable giraffe towering above a new hamburger restaurant are just a couple of examples of uses for giant inflatable animals.
Instead of promoting a business with expensive newspaper advertisement campaigns, or short radio commercials, try placing an inflatable animal in a strategic location outside one's store venue.
If one has ever gone to a museum, one may have seen an inflatable Tyrannosaurus Rex standing outside attracting the attention of hundreds of small children. Fast food chains have used inflatable toys to gain the attention of large families and throngs of young kids. Another great idea is to place a giant inflatable Gorilla in front of your store and allow customers to take pictures with the toy.
What about the cost of a animal that inflates? A return on investment is something that every business owner worries about. Thinking about advertising a business through the newspaper? A small classified ad in a newspaper can cost up to $1000 per week (depending on the placement of the ad). Giant inflatable animals have a great return on investment, as it is a tangible item that can be used an unlimited amount of times. Prices range from $95 all the way up to $700, depending on the type of animal that is bought.
Inspiring a Child's Mind With Dinosaur Themed Bedroom
Most children love helping their parent create a theme based bedroom for them. It is one of the special parts of growing up for any child. In fact, having a room decorated around the things that grab their interest can invigorate a child's mind and make them feel special. Theme based rooms can make a child feel that their room is their own special safe haven, where their imaginations and dreams are safe and sound. There are so many themes available for a child's bedroom today, and picking a theme and decorating a room around it can be great fun.
Throughout the ages, children of both genders and all ages have grown to deeply love and be fascinated by ancient dinosaurs. In fact, the fascination over dinosaurs has been going on for generations across the globe. From the days of Godzilla and the childhood story of "Where the Wild Things Are", to the shrouded mystery of each new scientific discovery of a new dinosaur species, dinosaurs have captured the imagination of children of all ages. Today, the unveiling of new species of dinosaurs at museums has sparked a global hunger from children to understand, empathize, and be a part of the fascinating world of these ancient giants.
Many children have a great love for these creatures to such a degree, that their fascination happily spills into their bedrooms. For these children, they dream of encountering these giants in their sleep. They watch Jurassic Park and tug at their parents to go to the museum just one more time this year to see these creatures that once lived. These are often the children that play with dinosaur figurines and read dinosaur stories. These children want their bedroom to be a fascinating place where these creatures can live in their imagination in playtime and nighttime. For these children, creating a dinosaur themed bedroom is the perfect answer to fulfill their desires. From dinosaur curtains and wallpaper, to dinosaur comforters and sheets, these children want their room to reflect their passions for these creatures on a broad scale. In fact, a dinosaur comforter alone can offer some cozy fulfillment for their dinosaur dreams.
Whether creating a magical dinosaur space one piece at a time, or the Dinosaur Bedroom theme is being created all at once, purchasing dinosaur comforters is the perfect way to envelop a child in their fantasies and dreams of these ancient creatures. Made in all sizes, these comforters are meant to inspire the mind of a child or Dinosaur enthusiasts of all ages. In sizes for Single, Double, Queen or King size beds, these dramatically decorated comforters offer a wonderful glimpse into the past of the days of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, Triceratops, Brontosaurus and Pterodactyl.
Where Can I Find Dinosaur Toys?
 Asking the question, where can I find dinosaur toys, is not as silly as some people would think. Dinosaur toys are forever popular among boys and girls alike. There is something about the allure of these long extinct animals that fascinates the mind. It's also why dinosaur films do so well at the box office. We want that inspiration, especially for our children, but knowing where to get dinosaur toys for that very purpose can be tricky every now and then.
Although dinosaur toys are extremely popular and have been for a very long time, they are not always as easy to find. Many stores sell out quickly and cannot get them back in stock fast enough. On the other hand, where you are searching may simply not be carrying the type of dinosaur toys you are looking for. The question of where can I find dinosaur toys is answered easily enough; search for them on the web. The Internet has a whole plethora of dinosaur toys for sale at online stores.
There are entire websites dedicated to selling dinosaur products, especially the dinosaur toys that both children and adults enjoy playing with and collecting at the same time. There are a lot more than just simple plastic dinosaur toys available for sale on the web. Other types of dinosaur toys that can be found are model kits, which can be assembled and painted or stuffed dinosaur plush toys among others. Your choices of what you want for your child are much more open than in a regular retail store where the stock of dinosaur toys is much more limited. By looking up online dino websites, you will be far more likely to find the toys that will inspire your children's play time the way that these extinct creatures should.
Specialized dinosaur stores will offer you even more than just dinosaur toys for your son or daughter. Many children who enjoy dinosaurs like to reflect in more than just toys, they want to wear dinosaur clothes, have dinosaur lunch boxes, pencils, coloring books, posters, and just about anything you can think of. Specialized dino companies can offer you everything to decorate a child's bedroom or nursery with everything from the bedding to curtains to the wall decorations. The options to get creative are pretty endless.
Where can I find Dinosaur toys? You can find them pretty much anywhere toys are sold whether that be in a big box retail store or a local toy store, but the variety available to you is quite likely to be limited compared to the options available for purchase online. When you buy online you can often save even more money than the brick and mortar stores. If you're not happy with one price it's easy to instantly compare it to another. Specialized dinosaur stores online bring you the variety of dinosaur toys you are looking for your child as well as offering so much more that can inspire their curiosity in dinosaurs and science.
Dinosaur Bone Toys; What's New in the World of Toys
 We all know that a child learns while they play. Parents and teachers should give them something inspiring to capture their imagination, to promote learning. When I was a child, I had an entire set of plastic dinosaurs. Despite the limitations of their drab, brown and green color, I managed to build an entire world around those animals. They paved the way for my lost world machine, where with the flick of a button, little squares of plastic would grow into dinosaurs.
Through the years, I have continued to have a fascination with dinosaurs. My fascination has taken me to all sorts of places, which have dinosaurs on display, especially places like the Field Museum in Chicago, where they have a full size replica of the dinosaur known as “Sue” the largest, best-preserved, and most complete Tyrannosaurus Rex ever found. Sue measures 42 feet long from snout to tail, and her skull is 6 feet long, with 58 dagger-like teeth.
Today, children have more than we ever imagined, even in the area of dinosaur toys. There are toys that simulate dinosaur digs. A child can chip away at a block of sand stone, and expose a dinosaur skeleton. They even make dinosaur bone toys that are miniature replicas of dinosaur skulls. Bury them, and have your friends help dig them up and catalog them. They have toys that realistically replicate the colors of dinosaurs. Gone forever is the inaccurate monotone coloring of dinosaur skin.
Every year brings the world more discoveries in the field of dinosaurs. Movies and cartoons are depicting the creatures as intelligent and complex. The days of the stupid terrible lizard are long gone. What children learn today about dinosaurs is so much more than my pathetic education concerning them. If I wanted to do so today, I could purchase an exact replica of a Saber Toothed Tiger skull! This type of accessibility to dinosaur information and hands on material is outstanding
Dinosaur bone toys are just the beginning of what is offered today. A child’s imagination could take flight, and soar to heights never before available. There is a set of 3 dimensional, dinosaur bone toy puzzle pieces. Six different dinosaurs are represented, and your child can to put them together. They even have large skeleton models, some even glow in the dark.
A fossil collection kit is available. Inside are 12 real fossils and 1 mineral.
All are identified with tags and the collection comes with a full color time chart, and an educational reader. It’s all you need to set fire to your child’s imagination, and start them learning as well. If that’s not enough, maybe you would like a can of sand with dinosaur poop buried in it! That’s right, dinosaur poop, and it’s real! It’s brought in from Canada from the largest coprolite dig in the world.
Dinosaur toys have come a long way since I had my set of plastic ones. It is so much more exciting today, to fall in love with dinosaurs.
Cool Dino Toys for Boys
 What is the perfect gift for any occasion to please a small boy? Some sure fire hits are cool dinosaur toys for boys. Every man growing up has played with dinosaurs pretending to be a Tyrannosaurus Rex trampling all over the sandbox. A dinosaur gift brings pure prehistoric pleasure to any small child or for any person who is still a child at heart. Not only are dinosaurs a great toy for the imagination; they are educational as well.
A dinosaur toy can teach a small boy about the life forms that roamed the earth between the Triassic Period and the Cenozoic Era. Another educational lesson about dinosaurs that is explained with these toys can be the different theories of extinction. These different theories range from plagues, to giant impacts from asteroids, and global warming or cooling. Dinosaur toys teach the basic predator and prey habits of nature, along with the difference between carnivores, omnivores, and vegetarians. Playing with dinosaur toys allows a child to realize how different each species was from the next, and how each one played an essential role in their ancient world. It also fosters the educational aspect in regards to the vast amounts of subspecies in a group of similar animals. Dinosaur toys can be an easy way to explain the part adaptation plays in evolution. Dinosaur toys teach about prehistoric sea creatures, amphibians, and the first of the land species. But why would a small boy want this toy if it is so educational?
Because cool dinosaur toys for boys capture the imagination, energy, and primal nature of a child. A dinosaur toy can come in a variety of species and sizes. The different sizes range from your standard small replica to a seven-foot inflatable with all sizes in between. The most popular variety of dinosaurs for a child in no particular order is the Tyrannosaurus, Brontosaurus, Triceratops, Stegosaurus, Velociraptor, and anything that flies. The most overlooked prehistoric creatures can be animals that still have relatives roaming the earth today. Some of these toy prehistoric animals would include alligators, birds, cockroaches and sharks. There is a cool prehistoric toy for each boy’s individual taste. One aspect of a dinosaur toy’s individual appeal is the vibrant colorful paint that adorns the replicas. There is a creative license that allows a dinosaur to be painted vividly because there is only speculation about what each dinosaur looked like. Since more evidence is turning up all the time that some dinosaurs, especially those in the groups that had hips much like those of modern birds, may have had feathers, the brighter colors might not be too far off base. These toys work so well for play because each dinosaur developed its own different weapons or defense systems through evolution based on survival. This uniqueness allows children to relate differently to each type of dinosaur. Not only are the toys educational, eye-catching and stylish – they’re a lot of fun to play with!
Parasaurolophus walkeri - Duckbilled and Awesome!
This Parasaurolophus walkeri print is an art picture of one of the most well known dinosaurs, the crested hadrosaurid, a duck-billed dinosaur, in its natural environment. This is the reprint of the original oil painting by Josef Moravec, a renowned paleo-artist. The name Parasaurolophus means "near crested lizard" referring to the long, hollow crest protruding from the top of the head.
It is named in honor of Sir Byron Edmund Walker, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Royal Ontario Museum, where the bones of the incomplete specimen are currently stored. It was about 10 m (33 feet) long, and weighed about 2.5 tons. Just the head together with the crest was about 1.5 m (5 feet) long. It was bipedal and quadripedal, and had unusually strong front and hind legs compared to other hadrosaurids. Probably it walked on all four limbs when grazing for food, and was running only on two hind limbs. Since it did not have any structures that could be used for protection against predator, it had to rely on the strength of its hind legs to outrun predators.
The fossil remains of P. walkeri were discovered in the Dinosaur Provincial Park in southern Alberta, Canada in 1920. The dinosaur lived some 75-76 million years ago, in the late Cretaceous period, and until today its fossil remains stay very rare. It had hundreds of teeth packed in sets, of which only a few were used at a time for grinding the food. As the front ones were worn-out, the new ones pushing from the back replaced them. Based on markings on teeth, it is believed that it grazed on horsetails and other vegetation close to the ground, and sporadically consumed branches and other more robust plant material.
This Parasaurolophus walkeri print shows its most noticeable characteristic, the large cranial crest projecting from the head upwards and back, whose function is still not clearly understood, though many theories have been proposed. The crest was hollow, with complex structure of chambers. There were many hypotheses about the role of the crest, from being used as a snorkel to a weapon, most of which have been dismissed. A computer simulation of air passing through the complex internal passages of the crest showed that it could produce sounds of certain frequencies, probably varying in each individual. This was important for communication with other members of the herd, either between an adult and a young one, or between adults when, for example, mating or alerting each other about the presence of predators, because like most plant eaters, it likely lived its life as a member of a herd. Likely being a cold-blooded animal that could not regulate its body temperature (although scientists are recently rethinking this postulation), the crest may have been important in the thermoregulation of the body. Due to its size it could had been used for cooling of brain, or for accumulation of heat during the day which would then be released during the night to keep the body temperature constant. And finally, as a sexual dimorphic characteristic, the crest with its markings was important in recognition of species and sexes.
Corythosaurus casuarius Fine Art Print
 Dinosaurs are cool and can be found in artwork all over the world. Nearly everyone is at least partially interested in these extinct creatures who lived millions of years ago. It is part of why they live on in illustrative prints, books, and movies. Lots of people are familiar with some of traditional dinosaurs like Tyrannosaurus Rex, Stegosaurus, Brachiosaurus, Triceratops, and the flying Pterodactyl. These species are easily recognizable but there are hundred of others out there like Corythosaurus casuarius, often shortened to just Corythosaurus, that deserve recognition too.
Corythosaurus casuarius is a member of the Hadrosaurus family among the late great dinos. These creatures are more commonly known as duck billed dinosaurs. They flourished during the Cretaceous period, 75-80 million years ago, with their territory covering much of North America, particularly in the Midwest and up into Canada. Typically a full grown Corythosaurus casuarius could reach up to 35 feet long from the tip of the nose to the end of the tail. They were herbivores with hundreds of teeth perfect for chewing and grinding plants much like you would see in a cow today. Since their initial discovery in 1912, numerous examples and complete skeletons have been found allowing for their display in museums all over the world.
Paleo artists like Josef Moravec, who painted the original oil for this print, love using this dinosaur to make Corythosaurus casuarius prints Corythosaurus casuarius print is that this is one of the few species of dinosaur to have been found in a mummified fossil form, which give artists an idea of what the skin texture was like and to some extent the coloring.
because we know quite a bit about it and it's environment. We know about the types of trees and plants that were around when it existed, so it's easy to portray what this herbivore may have eaten. Another benefit to creating a
Artwork portrayals of the Corythosaurus can be downright beautiful and when done correctly, not need to look cartoon-like. Josef Moravec’s painting of Corythosaurus casuarius captures the beauty of this very recognizable dinosaur and the world in which it lived in this classical style rendering. Prints such as these are great for wall decor in museums, schools, and in a dinosaur loving kid's bedroom. It is hard to pass them up when they look so nice and are full of life and color.
For people who like dinosaurs, nice prints and other artwork portraying them isn't always that common but it is fairly simple to find, especially online. Whether you are looking for a piece of art featuring the famous T Rex or a lesser-known dinosaur like Corythosaurus casuarius to grace your walls, it can be found out there. It is even available for sale for a decent price without breaking your bank account. Dinosaurs are cool and most people think so too. There is no reason that anyone should be stopped from displaying dinosaur prints as wall art. It's educational science and history on exhibit and something that anyone would enjoy learning about.
T-Rex - Fearsome, Even When Framed on Your Wall
 View a Tyrannosaurus Rex print from up close and gain an appreciation of a long ago time when giant, prehistoric predators stalked the land. The T-Rex was the king of all dinosaurs, feared by all other creatures in the Cretaceous period. The land that he ruled was a humid landscape of tropical swamps and vast forests. This was long before man existed. A person would have been little more than a snack for the giant creatures living on the Earth over 65 million years ago.
All of those details are conveyed on an art print, and a Tyrannosaurus Rex print shows the sheer scale and raw ferocity of the meat-eating T-Rex. Watch him seem to come to life with his head raised in a ravenous sniff for nearby prey. Look extremely closely, and it's possible to detect the detailed strokes of carefully applied paint that have been replicated visually on the high-quality print. The details around the dilated small eyes and the saliva dripping off of sharp, pointed rows of huge teeth can easily be made out. The medium of the art print ably shows every detail of scale and tooth in rich color. The artist, Josef Moravec, is a noted paleo-artist whose works have been displayed by Natural History Museums throughout Europe and North America.
Art prints are not reproductions. They use superior techniques, often supervised by the artist, to create quality prints. They're not at all comparable with inferior posters or plain copies. In fact, many art prints are of a limited circulation and quite valuable themselves, becoming collector's pieces, hung on a wall with pride. Sometimes, they're even signed by the artist, becoming individual works of art.
It's a combination of old printing technology and newer digital techniques that make a Tyrannosaurus Rex print look so startlingly authentic, right down to being able to see individual brush strokes. A print of the majestic T-Rex isn't only for lovers of all things prehistoric, it's also a reminder of a time when man could not have ruled the Earth. The print puts our place in life into perspective. We rule our orb through technology and by our wits, but our fists and muscle would have been no obstacle to any of the giant lizards of the Cretaceous period, and certainly not to the Tyrannosaurus who stood taller than a double decker bus. It's doubtful our fastest runner could escape him since he stood on two legs, able to run across the humid landscape in short bursts. He may have been over 40-ft tall, but his long tail gave him good balance and the ability to make quick turns. He was really the ultimate predator in his time, with a huge head containing many sharp teeth. His only weakness may have been his tiny arms, but they wouldn't have slowed him from reaching down and snapping up his prey in one smooth motion.
Hang the art print of the T-Rex on a wall with pride and be reminded of the awesome place he held in prehistoric times. Just be glad he's extinct and only to be seen fossilized in museums.
Camarasaurus & Allosaurus Art Print
 Dinosaur lovers, this artful rendition of the Camarasaurus and Allosaurus will capture your attention at first glance and keep you looking to examine all of its glorious detail. This fine artist's depiction of the herd animal, Camarasaurus, entangled with the Allosaurus, a theropod, will surely delight dinosaur expert and novice alike. Josef Moravec, the renowned paleo-artist of the original oil from which this fine art print is done, has had his works displayed in Natural History Museums throughout Europe and North America.
This Camarasaurus & Allosaurus art print is a prehistoric pin-up perfect for décor in any room, such as a child's bedroom or playroom, an office, garage or study as well as a classroom. More often than not, a dinosaur print sparks conversation about the size, types, magnitude and history of the creatures as well as appreciation for the art itself. Whether your style is fun and playful or focused on a love and appreciation for dinosaurs, this piece is engaging and artful all at once.
Low on intelligence and the smallest of the sauropods, the artist rendering of the Camarasaurus (of the Camarasauridae family of Jurassic dinosaurs and an herbivore) is realistically portrayed alongside the Allosaurus, known as the "wolf of the Jurassic" and carnivore in a setting that reflects the dry terrain offset by a generous watering hole lined with trees indigenous to a tropical locale.
Framed or not, the Camarasaurus & Allosaurus art print will be a unique focal point of any room due to its dynamic nature and realistic appeal. The long neck and tail of the Camarasaurus stretches across the page such that one can almost imagine it easily swooping up to the tops of trees to devour the leaves it chomped with giant teeth to sustain its leafy diet. The name Camarasaurus is defined as "chambered lizard" due to the holes in its vertebrae. Also notable is that the Camarasaurus is one of the few Jurassic dinosaurs who's fossilized young have been found.
Conversely, the Allosaurus was the primary meat eating dinosaur of the Jurassic, was an avid hunter and thought to travel and hunt in a pack. Feared by all herbivores, the Allosaurus was named for its lizard-like qualities and strong frame.
It is hard to believe that these giant, intimidating dinosaurs are thought to have hatched from eggs and once ruled the open plains and vast expanses of North America. The fact that an imagined scene of what it may have looked like during that time is captured so realistically (down to the very claws of their gigantic feet) in this print is an exciting reason to own it. Displaying your very own dinosaur print is a great way to show off your artistic flair as well as historical knowledge of these fantastic beasts. And if you don't know anything about them, dinosaur art is a great way to elicit discussion and contemplation on a fascinating topic.
This Camarasaurus & Allosaurus art print makes a great gift for Dad, grad, or the child, scientist or student who "has everything." Earth tones, a dynamic theme and the realism of these giant creatures make this an obvious choice for the hobbyist or herbivore in your life.
Albertosaurus and Corythosaurus Wall Décor
 Dinosaurs have always been considered truly fascinating creatures. Generation after generation continues to be enthralled with them, and many enjoy researching and learning about each type of dinosaur. Millions of people flock to museums to see life size skeletons of actual dinosaurs and it's exciting to see the shocked and amazed faces of excited children. Many people collect various dinosaur fossils, toys, books, and artwork. Choosing an Albertosaurus and Corythosaurus art print to add to a collection can be a great way of showcasing the love of dinosaurs.
Most boys would love to have this exciting print framed and displayed in their room.
The Albertosaurus was a fierce predator in prehistoric times. Known to be a carnivore, this species of dinosaur was incredibly fast so it was able to hunt quickly and effectively. The Albertosaurus had similar features of the more common T-Rex, but was a smaller version of that famous predator. The smaller size allowed for a much rapid movement compared to the T-Rex. Because of its specific and popular look, this variety of dinosaur looks amazing on a piece of art. Many children prefer prints to decorate their walls featuring the Albertosaurus because it reminds them of the better-known T-Rex.
The Corythosaurus was a much more unusual dinosaur with unique features. It's name means "helmet lizard" and it's easy to see why. The Corythosaurus is known for it's large crest atop its head. Similar to a duck, the crest contained the dinosaur's nostrils and was most likely used for cooling its body, displaying itself to potential mates, and for breathing purposes. The Corythosaurus ran on two legs and was very fast. Although it is known to be a herbivore, the back jaw contained numerous small teeth that were used for grinding up hard plants. This dinosaur is loved because of its unique features and is a favorite of many dinosaur lovers, making this Albertosaurus and Corythosaurus art print a popular one.
The two species of dinosaurs were so very different but pairing them together on a piece of art makes for a great conversation piece. The Albertosaurus was an extreme predator who hunted to satisfy it's carnivorous ways. The Corythosaurus was a different type that had bizarre looks and fed on plants. Both were very fast and offered a similar speed and style while running, but they were enemies. Seeing these amazing dinosaurs on an art print makes for a beautiful piece of art. The dinosaurs are perfectly represented using the incredible detail that the artist, Josef Moravec, is well known for. Moravec is a renowned paleo-artist, whose works have been displayed by Natural History Museums throughout North America and Europe. His love of dinosaurs and other prehistoric subjects is reflected in his art, which was heavily influenced by his study of oil paintings by the Old Masters. The colors of the print, reproduced from the original oil painting, can stand up against any famous piece of art. Any dinosaur lover would be proud to display this piece of art.
Rhamphorhynchus - Prehistoric Flyer
This Rhamphorhynchus art print (1995) was originally a painting by Josef Moravec and is featured in the art collection of Dinosaur Corporation. Josef Moravec is renowned paleo-artist whose paintings have been displayed by Natural History Museums throughout Europe and North America. His work is know for its attention to detail and authenticity. This reproduction of the original oil painting is printed on 17" x 22" super "B" paper. The actual size is 20' x 20'.
The Rhamphorhynchus (pronounced "ram-for-ink-uss" and means "beak snout" in Greek) is a genus of long-tailed pterosaurs that lived in the Jurassic period (201 to 0.6 million years ago) and survived for over 30 million years. Their bodies were relatively small compared to some of the other winged dinosaurs. That is, their height ranged from 7 inches to about 1.5 ft. In addition, they are estimated to weigh in at around 11lbs. Furthermore, it is estimated that it took more than three years for the average individual to reach maximum adult size. Despite how large their wings may appear in the Rhamphorhynchus art print at first glance (mostly due to perspective) their wings are estimated to have ranged from 2 to 2.5ft, smaller than some modern birds such as the seagull. These wings are long and thin. A large surface area of skin stretches over its fourth finger. Researchers imagine this species was capable of flight by flapping their wings. Although the Rhamphorhynchus had a long neck and small feet, its body was supported by a large head and it is considered to be one of the first flying vertebrates.
Its teeth were located at the base of its jaw. Here, its teeth were sharp and are often described as needle-like, a reference to its angled shape. The beak is curved and had no teeth. Thus, its lack of teeth at the tip of its beak suggests that the Rhamphorhynchus primarily ate fish and insects. It used its "hook" at the end of its lower jaw to catch its prey. Furthermore, it is believed this specimen had a pouch near its throat that was used for storing food. As such, it is speculated that the Rhamphorhynchus would simply find and catch its prey, close its beak shut, and save its prey in its pouch for future consumption.
The shape of its tail is contingent on its age. Namely, the vane was shallow and oval-shaped in juveniles and diamond-shaped in adults. Only the largest of specimens had a triangular-shaped tail.
Fossil remains have been found in England, Tanzania, Spain, and Germany. The most preserved specimen, however, was found in the Solnhofen limestone of Bavaria, Germany. This limestone contained impressions of the specimen's wing membranes. Lastly, teeth belonging to the Rhamphorhynchus have been found in Portugal.